Thursday, November 12, 2009

Possible lymphoma?

I have a posterior mediastinal mass and lymphadenopathy in the hilar and mediastinal regions. Doctor is making me wait before he biopsies - he says to make sure it's not something like an infection that can clear up on its own. He wants to do another cat scan in a month, and a breathing test to measure my lung output. Meanwhile I am coughing my head off to the point where I sometimes cannot talk. I am tired all the time and my blood shows I'm somewhat anemic. My skin itches like crazy. There is pain that goes right through my chest into my back. The radiologist gave two differential diagnoses after I had my abnormal cat scan: lymphoma and sarcoidosis. I am at a loss right now and really sick of waiting. Dr. told me he would have had me in the operating room that day if he felt it was, without doubt, cancerous. What am I to do? I am so afraid, honestly. Any ideas on what this could be? Has anyone had a similar situation? Please help. Thanks a lot.

Possible lymphoma?
75% of the symptoms are recognizable to me. How long have you had this? You need to stop the coughing. Have you had this when you were younger? If you've had it just within the last year, it can be turned around fast. Because it's usually a symptom of something else. You can combat the coughing with Vicks dissolved into boiling water with salt added, just a tip of a teaspoon full of the Vicks. Then put a towel over your head and breath in until the coughing stops. The saline will help kill the bacteria causing the cough. Also, important, were you in the service? Possible exposure to Agent Orange? P.S. The pain in the back and chest are probably from strain from the coughing. Another P.S. It could be from a huge amount of stress. It also could be from an outside influence, hence the skin itching. This does NOT sound like cancer.
Reply:I'd be taking those test results in my hand and RUNNING to another doctor ! No one should be made to wait for help with a diagnosis like this. That's criminal in my book.
Reply:I would get the second opinion by going to the nearest emergency room because you can't stop coughing.

Then ask them to biopsy it ASAP so you know what it is for sure.

Both will show up on biopsy.
Reply:I have sarcoidosis, and your symptoms totally sound like it. Sarcoidosis affects the lungs, and skin first, among other things. It caused vocal cord paralysis for me and secondary pulmonary hypertension.

They should just go ahead and do a nuclear scan that puts dye into your lymph nodes that will "light up" if they are cancerous to rule out lymphoma. Also, if you are having so many coughing spells, he shouldn't just be waiting for it to clear up on its own. Sarcoidosis is an autoimmune disease that can go into remission, but it can also cause pulmonary hypertension. Ask your doctor if he would be willing to let his child progress into that, then ask him to either do the nuclear scan (and I apologize for not remembering the exact name of the one I had) or a 2D echocardiogram and an angiogram to check your pulmonary arterial pressure. This is not a wait and see situation. If you have good insurance, do not let him put you through this.

ETA: My first mediastinal mass turned up about 10 years before my eventual diagnosis. My instincts tell me that there probably isn't going to be an inguinal node to biopsy. The only way mine were done was through broncopscopy. Not good times, but it wasn't awful either.

Good luck to you.
Reply:Sarcoidosis is common in Arkansas. Tuberculosis or fungus disease such a Histoplasmosis can be considered. If a node in your neck or inguinal area is enlarged a biopsy would be easy. Skin tests might help with the latter diseases.
Reply:I had virtually this same kind of situation. I went into the E.R with SOB, wheezing, and coughing. A chest x-ray was done, and the radiologist suggested possible mass in left lung. Well, I freaked, needless to say. Everyone looked as if they pitied me so. It was scary! My doctor had me wait 4 weeks before deciding to do a CAT scan on me. However, just before that time, I went and had another chest x-ray done. This time it was done at a different hospital by a different dr. The report came back that lungs were congested from COPD, (which I have), etc. No mass was seen or detected. Dr said it was some kind of trash on the film more than likely. Well, I was in such distress and worry for all that time, and just knew the news was going to be terribly bad for me. But it wasn't. advice to you is try to not worry, and remember that things are not always as they seem. This could be the same situation for you. I know this may not console you much but just keep the faith, and good luck to you. Take care! Hope everything turns out good for you.

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