Monday, November 16, 2009

Do you have any info on Lymphoma-type Bricketson or Hodgkins vs Non-Hodgkins. I was told by my doctors office

Does either Hodgkins or Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma have a Bracketson type involved?

Do you have any info on Lymphoma-type Bricketson or Hodgkins vs Non-Hodgkins. I was told by my doctors office
Okay, I hope I get what you are asking correctly. There are certain types of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas that have unique features that distinguish them. One is Burkitt's Lymphoma (a childhood B-cell lymphoma generaly found in tropical Africa).

People who test pos. for HIV are four time more likely to develop non Hodgkins lymphoma that the general public. Most of them will have hight grade B-cell lymphoma (small noncleaved Burkitt's and non-Burkitts or immunoblastic.

Treatment options for this is Stage 1 and Contiguous Stage 2---(Chemotherapy plus radiation therapy)

Agressiive Noncontiguous Sate 2, 3 %26amp; 4 (combination chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation or peripheral stem cell transplant.)

Recurrent Agressive NOn Hodgkins (Bone marrow transplant, bone marrow transplant plus radiation)

I really hope this helped you out! Please take care and I hope all is well.

it helps alot
Reply:About dot com has medical information out the whazoo.

Just go to the home page and type in any illness.
Reply:Also try
Reply:try this:
Reply:lymphoma comes in a million forms check out sites on cancerand lymphoma google it. Specific medical info there. Hey ive just finished up mi treatment so if ur going 4 it best wishes to u from me
Reply:I think you are talking about Burkitt's Lymphoma? I heard once that it could be caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus - but that was a long time ago and I am not sure if that is really true. is the national public medical libray. Do a search there.

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