Saturday, November 14, 2009

Question about lymphoma, please! -- NOT SEEKING DIAGNOSIS?

Hi! Just to start I have been to a dr . . . but I want some more info for myself. I have a 2.9 cm enlarged lymph node in my groin (inguinal), not painful, it feels TO ME that it's fixed (but what does fixed or moveable feel like?) and it's not soft like a lipoma (but what's HARD and SOFT?!?!). No recent illness, been like this since Oct. Wasn't really worried until I broke down and played internet doctor and saw that two symptoms of NH lymphoma are itching and fatigue, and right about that same time I had four weeks of itching on my body and I've been falling asleep very easily since then.

Again, not looking for a DX, been to a dr, I just think he's not the best, trying to find out what it feels like to have a moveable ot fixed node, and what does Hard feel like and what does soft feel like?

Thanks soooo much everyone!

Question about lymphoma, please! -- NOT SEEKING DIAGNOSIS?
'Soft-press the heel of your palm with your fingertip

Firm press the tip of your nose

Hard press your cheek bone.

Moveable it will roll around under your finger

Fixed it won't move.

These terms are pretty much intuitive and self explanatory. What you feel and think is what it is. Worrisome nodes tend to be larger than 2.5, fixed or matted, tender and firm to hard

and most importantly of recent onset, and progressively enlarging without an obvious cause. Benigh or reactive nodes are not uncommon in the groin area and may be chronic and permanent.
Reply:im sure the dr wouldv ruled out lymphoma, im an internet searcher of symptoms too, im scared of any symptom i get, cos usually its a symptom of cancer!!!! , MY DR TOLD ME TO STOP LOOKING UP DISEASES,, [sorry, caps lock came on]

good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply:I have hodgkin's lymphoma and I have enlarged nodes in my neck and chest. I had all the basic symptoms of it, night sweats, weight loss, swelling. The best thing you can do is go to the DR and possibly get a second opinion.

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