Monday, November 16, 2009

Any hope its not Lymphoma? Swollen inguinal lymph node- 3.5 cm. Hard smooth painless. No other symptoms.?

Swollen inguinal lymph node- 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm. Just one. Hard, Smooth, painless, immobile. no other symptoms. No known infections, injuries or other reason for at least 4 months. Are there any medical reasons for this besides lymphoma? Having biopsy in about a week. I could use some hope.

Any hope its not Lymphoma? Swollen inguinal lymph node- 3.5 cm. Hard smooth painless. No other symptoms.?
do you have night sweat? do you easily feel tired most of the time? do you have low fever? do you lose a lot of weight in a short period of time?

if you don't have any of those symptoms, it might not be lymphoma. glad that you're going to have biopsy soon. bispsy is the only way to tell for sure. don't worry. in the worse scenrio, there are a lot of treatment available for the lymphoma patients.

good luck for everything. hope you don't get bothered by this even though i know it's hard.
Reply:My sister had a golf ball size lump in her neck that the docs were fairly sure was lymphoma. I prayed really hard for it not to be. The biopsy and tests were negative and it left them scratching their heads. They monitored the lump and it gradually went away after about 2 to 4 YES it is possible it can be nothing. PRAY!! (But still get the biopsy..)
Reply:There is a chance it could be Lymphoma, but there are many other things that cause lymph nodes to swell. Any itching? Night sweats? Weight loss? You're doing the right thing by having it biopsied. If it is something bad, there are great treatments out there. Try not to stress out. [I know, but try!]

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Best wishes

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