Thursday, November 12, 2009

Im afraid i have lymphoma. my lymphnodes in my neck and big and move around.?

Ok so i have these large lymphnodes on the sides of my neck and they move around, and i am very nervous its lymphoma now i have done my research on it and it says the only way to know is if you get your lymphnodes biopsied. i have had a doctor feel that once and he said not to worry but i keep finding more and i found one that is very hard but now that big.

i am a huge worrier and i go on vacation in 2 days and dont want to worry about this. is lymphoma relaly common i heard its the 6th most common cancer? anyone know anything about this

also another symptom i found on a website was a swollen abdomen and i have that.

im a little bit of a hypochondriac also because ive had health problems before now i fear the worst

Im afraid i have lymphoma. my lymphnodes in my neck and big and move around.?
There are lots of lymph nodes around the neck, behind the ears. Sometimes they will swell up if you have some infection going on, even tooth ache, cavity, gingivitis, ear infection, sinus infection.... Signs and symptoms of cancer can be lost appetitte, unknown weight lost, unknown weakness ect.. But personally i don't think you have cancer.
Reply:The symptoms of lymphoma are often similar to Hodgkins. These are painless, swollen lyjmph glands. The swelling appearing and dissappearing over several months. Fatigue, malaise, weight loss, and night sweats. Enlarged tonsil and adenoids and rubbery nodes in the upper back region. As tumors grow they may produce liver, kidney and lung problems. Central nervous system involvement can lead to increased pressure in the head.

Malignant lymphoma occures three times more commonly then Hodgkins partiularly in patients with autoimmune disorders and those receiving immunosuppressant drugs.

If you are worried see your GP. She may request a biopsy of lumph nodes, tonsils, bone marrow, liver, bowel or skin. Aa chest X-ray. , liver, bone and spleen scans, a ct scan of the abdo, a blood test to detect anemia.

Radiation and chemotherapy serve as the main treatments of lymphomas.

The cause of lymphoma is still as far as I know unknown however, theories point to a viral source.

I am sure that you have surfed the internet a bit much and taken in a lot to much info.I do hope so.. All the best Alison.

Reply:I read all your various lymphoma questions. Are you running frequent unexplainable fevers, having dripping night sweats, unexplainable weight loss? If not, then most likely you have an infection or simply a swollen lymph node. Swollen lymph nodes are quite common even in healthy people. It's also possible you have a mild case of mono. Go to the Dr and see what he has to say but unless you are having symptoms then your chances of having lymphoma are quite low. Go on vacation and have some fun.
Reply:I was bounced around to a couple specialists - ENT and Gastro. Finally, I was seeing a surgeon and he was preparing to remove my thyroid whan he did a fine needle aspiration [biopsy] of the lymph node at the base of my neck. That's when we found out it was Lymphoma. Yes, Lymphoma is very common. I had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Symptoms were itching, night sweats and weight loss. I didn't notice any abdominal swelling, but I didn't really look either.

Here's the best site for info:

There's a bulletin board and place where you can chat online and ask questions.

Best wishes

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