Monday, November 16, 2009

Umm.. wierd symptoms. Possibly lymphoma?

First... mid 20s, male, non-drinker/smoker/druguser. If you look at a question i asked about a week or two ago, you'd see i complained about chest pains which may or may have not been related to my new workout routine... good news... they gone (for over a week). Bad news... my lymph nodes began to swell within minutes a few days ago. (felt like alot of pressure).

It then spread to my jaw then to the side of my head (in front of my head). It felt like someone punched me in the jaw. Good news... the pressure went away. Bad news, now i feel a little lump under my chin on my neck. Its painless.

now i've been having little aches an pains on my upper back and inner thighs. They last very briefly (a few seconds to a couple minutes). feel a little fatigued. I dont have night sweats or fever. I lost a little appetitte but haven't really lost weight (hover around a number).

I only have short term insurance (till end o month) and am processing long term. Can i wait 3 wks? Possible lymphoma?

Umm.. wierd symptoms. Possibly lymphoma?
When I was getting sick, I had pain in the chest wall [not the organs] due to all the lymph nodes swelling. They all lit up like a Christmas tree when I had my first PET scan. Keep a journal of anything unusual you are noticing and get in to see your doctor ASAP. There are many things that cause lymph nodes to swell, and you need to know what's causing yours. Any itching? night sweats? weight loss?

Here's the best site for info:

Best wishes
Reply:Sounds like whatever it is is part of some other illness, possibly viral given the constellation of symptoms.

You can definitely wait 3 weeks. I don't think it's likely that it's lymphoma.
Reply:I have to disagree with mjm_hms . I am a lymphoma patient and had almost every thing you have wrote, they never found my lymphoma until they did a bone %26amp; bone marrow byopie. It also depends on the grade of the lympoma how fast it spreads. my oncologest and his coleges told me that if it where grade3 i could be dead in 6 months so don't fool around with it go to a Doctor and get tested to be sure and if it is some thing else that is great but IF it is lympoma then they can treat it at the earlyest stages. not like mine not treatable.
Reply:Regardless of what it is, if it's enough to worry you, get it checked out. Don't sit worrying, or asking others. We can't see you, we can't perform diagnostic tests. Go to a medical specialist that you trust to either ease your mind or diagnose you. You sound like you've been reading up, or have prior knowledge, so don't let it eat away at you, most times, we worry for nothing. Get it checked, and good luck.

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