Monday, November 16, 2009

How large are lymphnodes if you have lymphoma?

im worried because i had had swollen lymph nodes in my neck for about 4 months now. I just noticed some swollen nodes in my groin area. Im wondering how substantial in size they would be if its lymphoma?

How large are lymphnodes if you have lymphoma?
okay, not to freak you out, but when they found my cancer, I had a node in my groin the size of 2 was freakin huge! My doctor estimated that I had it for several years, in order for it to get that big!!! I had a few on my neck, but they were not really too the size of a quarter or a little smaller.......internally, they were enlarged all thru my chest and abdomen, but deep, so you couldn't feel them.

Go to your doctor and let them check you out......It could be nothing, but it's better to know for sure!
Reply:They would be as small as one cell. Size does not determine whether it is lymphoma or not. The make up of the cells do and that can only be determined with a biopsy.

Lymph nodes can swell for many reasons, most of which are not cancer. Infection is the biggest reason. Without a full assessment and exam, CT scan, PET scan, biopsy and labs, it is impossible to tell exactly what is your causing lymphadenopathy.

If this is a problem, I suggest making an appointment to see your doctor so he can evaluate you and advise you better.

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