Thursday, November 12, 2009

MY brother was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma and refuses medical treatment. What is the life expectanc

My brother has had tumors in his neck for 5 years refusing medical treatment. Recent medical diagnosis-non-Hodgkins lymphoma. What is the life expectancy without medical treatment?

MY brother was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma and refuses medical treatment. What is the life expectanc
It sounds like he may have a slow-growing [or indolent] form of NHL. Many times, all you can do is 'watch %26amp; wait'. I had an agressive form, and would have died quickly without treatment. The treatment wasn't fun, but it wasn't THAT bad. I had a few setbacks, but hey, at least I'm still here!

Here is where you can get more info, and even talk to counselors online:

Best wishes
Reply:Depends upon how far advanced the disease is. He could be gone in months or he could last another couple years. Non-Hodgkins is treatable if discovered early and treatment begun immediately, but the longer the delay, the less likely treatment will prove beneficial.
Reply:It's difficult to convince him especially because he has lived for 5 years even without treatment. It only means that the lymphoma was indolent. But if the tumor has grown huge and making things difficult for him, it may have evolved into an aggressive type. Sadly, we cannot predict death. But it happens faster when the vital structures such as blood vessels and respiratory tract become affected. He may opt for radiotherapy if he doesn't want chemo. Why does he refuse anyway? It's curable.

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