Saturday, November 14, 2009

RE: Hodgkin's lymphoma and CAT scans?

I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's in Sept 1998. Finished chemo in April 1999. Total Remission at that time.

1st year - ctscans every 3 months

then every 6 mths for next 3years.

Then, I stopped going to oncologist, even though he said that he wouldn't call me cured.

1st question is- why not ever considered cured?

2nd question- should I ask my primary to order a cat scan just to check and be sure all is ok? I have not had one since 6/2004.

The only symptom of the lymphoma I noticed was lumps on my neck. My primary site was a 5cm x 9cm tumor in the mediastinum. They stopped counting tumors at 150. I was Staged 3B, at the time-refused a exploratory lap- also no marrow involvement

RE: Hodgkin's lymphoma and CAT scans?
Often, they will not declare blood cancers as cured because they can go undetected and pop up again at any time.

Here's a great site for info:

Best wishes
Reply:To confirm diagnosis, a biopsy is taken of tissue and examined to look for Reed-Stern-berg cells. A needle biopsy is sometimes used but a surgical biopsy, which removes the whole node, is preferred by most physicians in getting enough tissue for a definite diagnosis.

Here is a wonderful site that you can talk to Dr's and other lymphoma patients and get some answer you need to know

I hope this will help you on your journey to find the help you need

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