Monday, November 16, 2009

Has anyone heard of Lymphoma in a yr old dog?

Took my Tonka (English Bulldog) to the vet today for lumps under his chin near neck area. The vet did needle biopsy and looked at the slide. He said what he sees doesnt seem to be good. He thinks it may be a form of Lymphoma and he is sending the slide to Ohio State to be examined.. My question is has anyone ever heard of a dog only a yr old developing this?

I am not ready to let him go at a yr.

thanks to all who try to help..

Has anyone heard of Lymphoma in a yr old dog?
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Unfortunately, yes, even dogs this young can develop Lymphoma. I did a clinical rotation at U. C. Davis while in school to become a Registered Veterinary Technician, (they even have an Oncology Department) and saw two patients going through chemotherapy, one was about 8 yrs the other was about 18 months old. A lot depends on the breed, some breeds are more prone to cancer in general, other to specific types of cancer. You can Google Lymphoma in dogs and get many sites. You can also go to and find some information there. The good news is that if caught early enough and treated a lot of dogs go into remission. I hope this is of help to you, and I wish you both well.
Reply:I haven't but it can happen.
Reply:That is pretty young, but yes it can happen. I have seen lymphoma in a 3 year old cocker spaniel.....the owner had him on chemo treatments which seemed to work and gave him a longer life. I'm sorry to hear about you dog...I wish you the best and pray it comes out as something less severe.
Reply:I am so sorry about it, but yes, anything can happen at any age. This is why good breeding is so improtant.

Not to put you down at all, but to all the people on here condoning all the idiots that want to breed their dogs that have not been health tested - this is why you shouldn't do it. Dogs are getting unhealthier everyday and bad breeding is why.

I'm sorry, hon.
Reply:I have a friend who has a 4 yr old beagle that has it. It had already spread by the time they found it %26amp; the vet was sure they were going to have to put her down.

it has gone into remission after her first chemo treatment %26amp; she is just had her 3rd treatment yesterday.

dogs %26amp; cats do not have the side effects that people do from chemo so don't let that worry stop you.
Reply:It is possible, anything is possible even if it seems unlikely. If your pup is sick, you don't have to let him go right away, there may be a way to treat it, or comfortably prolong his life so you can have more time with him, and make his time on this earth more fun!
Reply:It is uncommon, but possible for a 1 year old dog to get lymphoma. But it hasn't been confirmed yet, so wait until the results come back from Ohio State. But if he does end up having lymphoma there is treatment, and it is possible that it can go into remission. Your veterinarian will talk to you more about everything when the results come back. But don't get too discouraged until you know for sure. I hope everything works out for you and your dog!!! I wish you the best of luck!!
Reply:My sisters dog did at a year old. They did surgery and he's ok, but now has epilepsy and has to take daily meds ( the two don't have anything to do with the other though). Good Luck with your pup!
Reply:no i dont even kno wat that is so wat is it is it like a tumor but i want to kno how everything turns out
Reply:A dog like anyone can get Lymphoma at any age......
Reply:It can definitely happen. Did u get the dog from a pet shop or a breeder? Look into this.

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