Thursday, November 12, 2009

About lymphoma?

may i know what drug combi is given for a stage 2 medistanial b cell lymphoma, is hair loss inevitable? is it a good idea to continue school? any diet to watch out for? is chance of recovery good? can i still have normal life after the whole treatment, because im still in 20s? sorry it's a lot of questions, really a lot of thoughts now, beforehand, thank you very much!!!

why does it occur in the first place, i know it's still largely unknown, bt maybe there is some thoughts about how it comes about, esp for those who have it before.

About lymphoma?
Hi Kempret

Here is a program my Uncle did and healed his lymphoma. Not an easy program, but possible if you willing to go outside the box. The body can rebuild/heal itself if you give it some assistance. Giving it water, organic f%26amp;v, herbs, hydrotherapy, and exercise. You can beat any disease if your committed. This is a bit long, but worth reading trust me. This is an interview with Dr SHulze. Bob is asking the questions

Dr. Richard Schulze about Cancer, Parkinson's, Seizures, Epilepsy, A-Lateral Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis ... and Other Supposedly Incurable Illness, Neurological Disorders, Brain Diseases, ...

Answer recorded by _BOB, typed by Lillian

You know one of the programs I have that I often refer to people is a program I call Incurables program.


And the reason is, it is a blitz!

I back up to a little story:

When I first did a brain examination of a cadaver, and I pulled that brain out and held it in my hands, I knew immediately we were not suppose to be there.

I knew immediately, we do not know enough, we do not have what it takes to be inside the human body.

To be prodding and padding, cutting and burning and altering metabolism with chemical poisons.

Were crazy, the best thing we can do, is try to create a lifestyle that is so insanely positive and nurturing, that your body will heal itself from anything. And that is really what the Incurable program is.

I will be the first to admit we do not know enough about any of these diseases to try to heal that with chemicals and radiation beams, ... cutting and snipping.

And that's insane, we don't even know how the human body works.

Read any anatomy, especially physiology books, and the first thing you'll see is everything eventually leads to:

“We don't KNOW”

THE reality is that we don't know.

A Doctors, Scientists and Professors are afraid of to say that, but I'm not: "we don't know".

Epilepsy and seizures can be caused by a waste amount of things, the hundreds that I know of and a by thousand that I don't.

So, the best way to do it… is ...

If you try to chase the epilepsy or any disease, You always gonna loose.

Or it could take you years to discover.

I don't have years, and my patients did not have years.

Most of my patients where already told they gonna be dead two or three months before I ever saw them.

So I need to get there quick And the best way to do that is a blitz.

A blitz-program like the incurables were you are affecting your body, mind and spirit, just about every way possible.

In fact some people often say to me: "I have done your total incurables program" .....

and I think "liar" – I have put so much into that program and I don't think anybody could ever do it!

My patients all fail, and I fail on it ... but the point is: Every waking hour you are doing something positive for your body, mind and spirit and so epilepsy and any disease where doctors says it's incurable, ….that's why I call this Incurables program, which I borrowed from Dr Christopher, and his incurables program. I pretty much ... you know….bought, borrowed, steeled, stole, or my-patients-thought-me everything-I-got … blended it up and mixed it together ... and all I think I'm famous for is "turning up the volume".

I know I'm skipping epilepsy for a second, but this is important.

This is really ... What set me apart from everybody else ... is .. I literally tried to kill people with water, fresh juices, foods, high enemas and positive affirmations and hydrotherapy.

My patients where already dead... I had nothing to loose. They where ready to put the a pedal to the medal, and do it with a gust though, so… I'm like “let's do it” and what I discovered was:

“what a bunch of ******* we all are", you know, we have no breaks at all, we have no hesitations when it comes to partying and killing ourselves.

And you probably heard me say that right?

What I already said:

When someone opens that 7th beer, they never thought about calling the beer-manufacturing and seeing if it was packed in six-packs because that is adult doses. You just party. But when we are getting well, everybody‘s got their foot on the brake, they are riding the brake….

I used to have to beat my patients, throw them off their chairs, throw them into cold showers, and I would often take a walk down the ocean and throw them in the ocean ... to get them to wake up and really ... hey man, if you put half the energy into getting well as you have into killing yourself, you are saved in a week.

And, so, hmm…anyway, the incurables program is really a blitz, a full spectrum program that I developed to try to hit many different important fundamental areas, and my patients who did the incurables program, had amazing results, you know, cancers fell off, or disappeared, supposedly incurable Parkinson's disease, Alateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, ... we could go down to endless list of supposedly incurable neurological disorders.

I mean ... you name it ... what I always call healing miracles ... is what I learned that if you turned up the volume, the intensively enough….

Cause here is what I always say:


Well natural healers and herbalists are fuzzy fooling around, with selling candles, mild foods… So many people that I know try to get recognized by the government so they can be licensed.

I don't give a damn about that – I always, and I only have one focus to help people heal themselves.

I don't get into the politics of the other herbalists and natural healers that hates me, but when you run a clinic, and you watch them suffer and die, you work your *** off to help people to get well, so,

I watch the doctors on the other hand…come on, if you go to a doctor with cancer they are going to cut your *** off, they are going to fry you with radiation, they are going to flood your body and blood with the most toxic chemicals known to mankind, ok?

And a natural healer is going to give you a teaspoon of herbs…. A - A

I realize that If I was going to get people well from these diseases that even doctors couldn't help, we had to crank up the volume until they puke….ok, and I did…

Incurables program Dr. Richard Schulze

Best of health to you
Reply:This is a HUGE question, best I refer you to this excellent website which answers most all your questions very clearly.

Please post again if you need more clarification after digesting this.
Reply:Wow...that's alot of questions....and I totally understand where you are coming from! I've been battling lymphoma for almost 3 years now.....the first time they did chemo it was a combo called R/CHOPS......It is not a bad chemo to do....I still worked full time while doing was once a week every 3 weeks, for 6 cycles.....Mine only worked for a year and last year I did an autologous stem cell transplant (fancy way to say they "harvested" my own stem cells,froze them and put them back in me after chemo).....The chemo for that was pretty tough....that didn't work either and I am back on chemo again.......DO NOT GO BY MY CASE THOUGH!! I'm just sharing my own personal experience.... I already had both aggressive and non-aggressive cancer in my system when they found it, which makes me an extremely difficult case to treat......I have become friends with many other "chemo patients" over time and most of the ones that have more of your type are doing great after just the R/CHOPS....the chances of you not having your cancer return are pretty darn for the hairl loss, well, it depends on your body.....most people do lose their hair....I didn't go completely bald and my hair actually started growing back before I was even done with the treatments...

As for living a normal life....well, after I had a 5 minute meltdown when I was given my diagnosis, I became bound and determined that this disease was not going to run or ruin my was just going to have to find a way to fit into it...I'm a widow with 2 young teens, and I worked full time, raised them as normal and did the chemo...A positive attitude is an important part of getting thru I have my bad days?....heck ya...I'm still human, but for the most part, I just fight,fight fight....and I laugh's the best medicine....last year I was completely bald....and I must have cracked about a million jokes about looking like Howie Mandel!!!! You are young, strong and otherwise healthy, so you will probably do great!!!! As for living a normal life after the treatments...heck ya!! You'll need to go in for periodic bloodwork and scans, but other than that you just live your life....I actually got the nerve up to start dating, after I finished the R/CHOPS and my hair grew back in....I met a nice guy and he has hung in there with me thru all my continuing battles! If you are concerned about what to eat, find out if your cancer center has a nutritionist available for your questions...they can tell you the best things to eat, to keep your strength up and help your body recover...

The luekemia/lymphoma society is a great resource place and also the American Cancer can call them and they can take information and hook you up with someone to talk to that's similar to your age and cancer type...someone who has been thru's a fantastic resource available to you! They have helped me!

I hope this helped a little....I wish you all the best and I'm sure you will come thru this a stronger, healthier person!!!

Reply:I was diagnosed with B cell follicular lymphoma in Jan 2005.I was 34. I was stage 4, it was in the liver, spleen, neck and other spots.

Hair loss depends on you and the drugs given. The drugs given will depend on what the doctor thinks is best. There are a lot of options. Once he tells you, there are a multitude of websites that offer info on the popular trypes. I lost no hair in a year of chemo. I had very little nasusea and threw up once. Results may vary, though. I also went to Nursing school full time and still do. It was a struggle, but I was able to do class and clinicals. Some days where rough. My attitude was, if I am going to feel this way at home. I can feel this way sitting in a chair at school! Once again, your reaction may be different. You really have to take everything as it comes, in consultation with your MD. I refuse to let it stop me. I would sit in class, then drive into slaon kettering three days a week for chemo.

As far as diet, you want to eat healthy.Not giving your body proper nutrtion is very bad. You are killing good cells with the bad and your body needs nutirents to recover, which will make you feel better. I found that eating actually helped control the nausea and combined with steroids, I GAINED weight while getting chemo! With everything else, discuss diet with you MD. If you get neutropenic (low WBC) you will have to modify your diet. Your local bookstaores will have books on what to eat wjile on chemo. Plus your MD or hosp should have a dietician. As an aside, they do recomend not eating foods you really like while on chemo. Sometimes the taste can change or you associate bad things with it and may never want to eat them again. If you find a foos that helps and is healthy, eat it. I stuck with plenty of fresh food, veggies, salads (constipation may be an issue) plenty of protien.

I can not stress enough. Drink water. Lots of it. Hydrate, hydrate. When you think you have had enough, drink another gallon. Water will flush out the drugs, reduce kidney and liver damage, will keep you less constipated and will make the side effects go away that much quicker.

You can have a very normal life before, during and after treatment. hook up with a support group.

The leukemia-lymphoma society is great. They have chapters all over with support groups. They also provide tons of info, financial aid etc.

The best advice I can give is to keep your head up, continue with school and get better!

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