Saturday, November 14, 2009

My cat has lymphoma. He also has FIV. Will he recover with chemo.?

My cat had pre-cancerous tumors in his ears about 8 years ago. His ear canal was removed. About 3 years ago he was diagnosed with FIV. He has been sick 2 times since then, but recovered with medicine %26amp; fluids. Now he has lymphoma. Can a cat with this history recover with chemo?

My cat has lymphoma. He also has FIV. Will he recover with chemo.?
I am not sure that your cat can understand why it is being put through such a painful process. The chances of your cat living for many years at this point in time is slight so you may want to consider euthanasia as the kindest thing for him since at best, you can only hope for a temporary remission.
Reply:Well.. a cat might recover with chemo but think and think carefully.. do you really want to put your cat thru chemo? Is it the quality of life that a cat wants or deserves?
Reply:I hate to say this, but you should have your cat put to sleep...

Even if you can afford the very expensive medical care, is the pain and suffering by the cat worth it?
Reply:my cat had cancer between her shoulder blades and made a full recovery and lived until she was 19. I hope yer cat gets over his
Reply:if he is suffering put him down but if his condition is not bad then try chemo.
Reply:I don't know. I wouldn't put a cat through chemo with a history like that though. Cats with FIV live full lives as do cats with lymphoma. The best thing I feel you can do is just let your cat live out its life..Sorry, Best of luck.
Reply:talk to your vet about it, but if he is already immunosurpressed with the FIV he might not be able to handle the chemo. you can try a course of it and see how he responds to and decide from there if you want to continue.

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