Monday, November 16, 2009

Have you been diagnosed with Lymphoma?

Has anyone been diagnosed with Lymphoma and how has it affected you? What kinds of treatments and is it curable?

Have you been diagnosed with Lymphoma?
If it's "lymphoma", it's curable. If it's "non-Hodgkins lymphoma"it's probably non curable but may be treatable for many years. YES, I have non-hodgkins lymphoma. I have had Radical-CVAD chemotherapy with Rituxin. With "pre-meds" it's tolerable if you're strong. I never really felt too sick, but had many episodes of vomitting (Never was I unable to make it to the bathroom and the disharge is mostly clear). For awhile things tasted the metal taste they always talk about. (When I say 'For awhile" or "an episode of" I'm talking of a period of many days to several {3-4} weeks). Hint: if you get to where you simply can't stand the taste of anything try multi-fruit fruit juice. It's all I had for a couple weeks...but, it was deliscious and I could keep it down! You will probably get very weak after a few weeks of treatment. I was home but had to crawl or have my wife or whomever assist me if I wanted to move. I lost ALL my hair. Head, beard, eye-brows, body-hair, etc. Came back nicely in a few weeks. Get a t-shirt that says"CANCER. QUESTIONS?" It stops most of the gawkers. I never got diarehha. They now have pre-meds they give you. The hospital staff pretty well knows what drugs cause what side effect and they give you premedication so it won't be so bad. All in all it was a long 7 months. But, I made it. And I'm now in remission. (I WON). have lots to live for and NOTHING to die for!" Good, good luck! It ain't easy but you can do it! Write me ( e-mail) any time you wish.
Reply:I was diagnosed with NH Lymphoma 3 years ago. I've done several different treatments, including a stem cell transplant, but I seem to have a very stubborn cancer, that just won't "stay asleep" as my dr says. Mine is not curable, but very treatable. For the most part, my life has remained normal.....Everytime I go back on chemo, I still work full time and do pretty much everything as usual with my 2 kids...the exception was the transplant, which required my being away from home sometimes and staying home for about a month after the transplant was finished. My attitude is pretty simple...I refuse to let this disease run or ruin my just has to find a way to fit into it.....

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