Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are the chances of surviving lymphoma?

My friends mother was just diagnosed with lymphoma, I didn't want to ask her too many questions because she was upset.

All I know is that she has lots of small tumors in her organs and that it's lymphoma.

Do any of you know someone who has lymphoma? How long did they live? What are her chances?

Tell me your personal experiences. Anything, please.

What are the chances of surviving lymphoma?
Short answer- may be curable.

Would need to know whether Hodgkin's or Non-Hodgkin's, stage, age, lab data, current health status to say more, but...

Hodgkin's disease is highly curable, even in advanced stages, may occasionally require more aggressive therapy (like stem cell transplant), but some tmes is refractory (unresponsive) to therapy.

NHL is a varied mix ranging from slow growing but incurable types to aggressive but many times curable.

Chemotherapy is mainstay of treatment for widespread disease for either type.

Take heart, pray for her. Best wishes
Reply:I have 2 experiences with lymphoma. My mother had NHL, of the abdominal nodes. Chemo %26amp; radiation worked, came back, died 2 1/2 yrs after diagnosis. She was 50.

My Father-in-law had NHL of the tonsil. Diagnosed last spring, he is still with us! He is almost 74. He also had chemo and radiation.

As you can see there are wide variations with this disease.
Reply:My aunt had lymphoma (Hodgkin's Disease). She was old at the time. And they did chemotherapy on her. I must tell you that the chemo was very harsh. And it will make you feel very ill and make your hair fall out. But..she came out of it and the cancer was gone! And it never came back.

There have been alot of new things happen in the world of cancer treatment. Trust the doctors. Eat healthy.

Good Luck to your friends Mother!

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