Monday, November 16, 2009

To all the Hodgkin's lymphoma survivors. Please help me understand these questions.?

My 18 year old daughter was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma and is stage 4. She has decided enfactically that she does not want to do any more chemo but wants to do alternative meds. Her own donorship of stem cell transplant didn't work. The doctors gave up to less than a year or a little more to live. Can anyone help me with advice into saving her life. Her doctor told her there are other options and further treatment. If there are other options in saving her life why doesn't she take them? A very Desperate mom here. Any why do people such as herself put all her trust in God (not that I am not questioning him) in curing her if she doesnt take the treatment? I understand there is not cure for her cancer unless its death. Im not trying to be negative. I just want to understand why. Yes I do support her. Time is of the essence here.

To all the Hodgkin's lymphoma survivors. Please help me understand these questions.?
This is a question that can only be answered by one's self after they have gone through treatment. I almost refused my last treatment. I did a cord blood transplant for aml. I am only 24 and have dealing with this for 2.5 years. Its not fun pretty happy or sexy, all the things people my age should be. I was going to my hosp's clinic for blood transfusions while my friends were sleeping in from last nights party. The nurses were pulling me off the floor out of my own puke while my friends were at the beach. I only have a handful of friends that I actually talk to now simply bc I have lost touch bc of a lack of common things to talk about

So remember when you were 18, except only instead of having fun going to school or whatever you were doing, you were as sick as your daughter. Tell me you wouldnt consider it?
Reply:Treatment is the way to go. All we know through science was revealed to us by God anyway. You are not being unfaithful to seek treatment. You are right, time is running out. Best wishes to you and your daughter.
Reply:I really don't have the answers, I take my sister to whatever she needs to do and try to be supportive. I let her say whatever she needs to say.

I've talked to her about God and heaven and try to help her see the flip side of whatever negativity she's dealing with.

Sometimes I sit in the Chemo (stage 4) room at her request (last year she had to do it on her own, now she always wants me there) We have had some pretty good conversations in Chemo they tell me how it is as a patient and I tell them how it is as a caregiver. Her first round of Chemo this year made her sick, white blood cells dropped, temp shot up she had to be hospitalized. Now the Dr says they have the dosage regulated good, (one size doesn't fit all) she thinks because she's not getting sick the chemo must not be working.

What do I know? I know people with cancer think the worse. I know that sick people get tired of being picked, probed, stuck, treated and pitied (friend died of ALS last year refused all life sustaining treatment) Sick people lose the will to fight, the will to live because they don't like the quality of life and doctors can't promise them healing from the treatments.

People who truly believe in God know that if the healing doesn't happen in Earth, everlasting (no sickness) life is in Heaven.

My sister has always been the kind of person that everyone wanted to please, the kind of person that you say what do YOU want to do? so when we say that now it doesn't sound like we're just being nice bcuz she's sick. We talk about living and current events and try to help her have the best quality of life.
Reply:she trusts in God, she's very strong. and i would advise you to be strong too. i know someone who was diagnosed with it. By the grace of Almighty God she's doing remarkably well now after almost 2 years. yes, she trusted God and her oncologist. its never too late. this is something only the survivors can feel and think. leave it to God. in time everything will be OK. find a good oncologist. leave everything to him. if the doctor knows the other options and treatment would work, let him discuss it with your daughter. you just give her all the support and love she needs. always be there for her. i hope she does well. my heart goes out for her. she's not alone. we are all with her. if you need more help or info i can get that person to contact you directly. let me know asap.

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