Saturday, November 14, 2009

My dog has lymphoma and at night he acts like he is in pain .......?

my dog has been recently diagnosed with lymphoma. he is receiving chemo every week. in the daytime, he is fine. he walks around like there is nothing wrong with him. at night its a different story: he cant get comfortable and his legs give out from under him. he looks like he is 2 seconds away from dying. but come morning, hes a brand new dog. he can lay anywhere he wants to but he always goes near an air conditioning duct. i just dont understand the nighttime issue. has anyone experienced this?

My dog has lymphoma and at night he acts like he is in pain .......?
Hi. I would ask your vet for some pain medication to give your pup during the day and especially at night.

Then move his bed in with you and get one of those orthopedic beds. They are softer and much more comfortable for dogs....especially given all that he is going through.

I would also put his food and water dish next to the bed.

Next, take a small portable fan and place it close to his bed and direct the air, around his bed.

This will lower the humitity making it easier for your pup to breath.

They always do better with a fan. This is from YEARS of experience. I've had 2 with congestive heart failure that lived for 3 additional years with tons of TLC.

Just let him have the room you are in at night time, so he doesn't become confused and he won't wonder down the halls or try to get you will have already made him the most comfortable place in the world for him....YOUR ROOM and a COZY BED.

Many blessing to you and your pup. Patti
Reply:do you give him meds during the day? they might wear off and he may feel the side effects at night. just like when we have a cold it gets worse through out the day. he needs lots of rest and talk to a vet before he gets injured from his legs becoming too weak :(
Reply:he should be put down...end his suffering asap
Reply:No answer for you here but you should check out Yahoo groups for one for dogs with lymphoma. There is one for dogs with bone cancer and it is excellent---very active membership. Pretty much anything that comes up someone has already dealt with. Good luck to you and your dog.

wall flower

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