Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is lymphoma hereditary?

Hope I don't sound dumb asking that, but my dad died from lymphoma and I was wondering what my chances of getting it are. Thanks!

Is lymphoma hereditary?
I don't really know. No one in my family ever had it, and I got it anyway.

Here's where you'll find the best info:

Best wishes
Reply:No - it isn't one on the list of defective gene cancers (colon, thyroid, stomach are).

A friend had lymphoma - his doctor said "we see a lot of this in farmers because of the pesticides they use". That was enough to keep me squashing spiders and not spraying.
Reply:the above sounds pretty accurate. My mom has it and her dad was a farmer. She grew up in the mountains where there is "clean air" but there was so much farming the soil is FULL of pesticides.
Reply:Pesticide exposure is only one possible cause of developing lymphoma - a general cancer category that includes about thirty different types of lymphoma (B cell, T cell, etc) along with numerous subtypes. Other potential causes would be radiation exposure, older age, HTLV-1 virus, EB virus, and to a very small extent genetics. While it is known that some lymphomas tend to run in families but just because your dad had it does not mean that you have any more than a very slight risk of also contracting lymphoma. Any of the other risk factors mentioned would come before familial risk.
Reply:There are about 8 different types of Lymphoma.....they are contracted not brought on through your families gene pool. So no, its not heriditary....
Reply:Cancer is rarely hereditary.

Lymphoma is not considered to be genetically linked.

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