Thursday, November 12, 2009

Berkets Lymphoma?

My grandmother was recently doagnosed with Berkets Lymphoma. She is a patient at Moffet Medical Center in Tampa and has some different reactions to the medictation and chemo. She is now at her local hospital with internal bleeding, however the doctors cannot find the origin. She is not in any pain, but they are afraid to send her to Moffet because something could possibly rupture. Does anyone have any ideas??? Doctors help please!!!

Berkets Lymphoma?
Burkitt's is a B cell lymphoma. Moffit's is an excellent cancer treatment center and hopefully she can be moved there soon.

good luck to your grandmother

btw- Mangosteen is an MLM marketing scheme and anyone who tells you that it will help treat aggressive cancer is not telling you the truth.

Here is an article on Burkitt's that just came out today.
Reply:Tell her doctor to do a "CRP" test, a C-Reactive Protein test, this will show how much Inflammation is in her body. and will show the flow of blood in her vessels.

Go to , on the left side are some options to read about other users and their stories.

IF you go down further on this site you can read about Cancer and how the Xanthones (phytonutrients from plants) can help her.

What are xanthones? got to and enter the word and you will get the science of it.

Also Dr. Tootla a World Renowned Cancer specialist has an audio explaining about this on
Reply:Here's a site with the best disease info:

Best wishes to you and your grandmother.

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