Thursday, November 12, 2009

Once Lymphoma is treated & cured, can it re-occur? are nose bleeds & abdominal pain part of having lymphoma?

i would really like to speak with someone who either has lymphoma, has been cured, or knows loads about it. please help me. thanks!

Once Lymphoma is treated %26amp; cured, can it re-occur? are nose bleeds %26amp; abdominal pain part of having lymphoma?
There is no cure for cancer, but there is treatment that can lead to remission. Relapse or reoccurence will depend on what stage and grade the cancer was in during treatment. But even for advanced cancer, there is treatment that can lead to long term remissions. And, so usually the longer time passes with no sign of the cancer the less likely it will reoccur.

But, there is no guarantee. You should also be aware that in some cases a second cancer is possible to have. Only a doctor can determine exactly what is going on.

One of the best places to find support and information is on sites where other lymphoma patients visit. Try the non-profit organization:

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society:

Best wishes.
Reply:My grandma had lymphoma that was "cured" (went into remission). Ten years later it came back and killed her.
Reply:It can re-occure but can be controled with meds. Nope nose bleeds and pain in the gut are not symptoms.
Reply:Recurrence cannot be ruled out. Lot of it depends on your luck !!!!! Bleeding I think ids not a part of lymphoma
Reply:I just went through chemo for non-hodgkins lymphoma last year and as of a couple of months ago I am in remission. My oncologist said it is very unlikely mine will return. But there is no guarantee with cancer. It can hit anyone at anytime. The best way to prevent cancers is to feed your body the best nutrition you can and lead an active life style.

The symptoms you mention do not correspond to lymphoma. It sounds like something else. Maybe ask your doctor to do a simple blood test. The good thing about "most" lymphomas, is that treatments are very successful now. Years ago not the same, but now there is a lot better treatment options and varieties. Hope this helps!!!
Reply:I have had non-hodgkins lymphoma. You are welcome to email me if you have specific questions. I have been in remission for 3 years now. Yes, it can come back at any time. Stomach pain with lymphoma would most likely be due to swelling of the spleen, which is part of the lymphatic system. It can happen, but doesn't happen to everyone. I did not have nosebleeds with my lymphoma. I did, however [and this is gross] have some really bloody, caked boogers when I was getting sick, so maybe my nose did bleed, I'm not sure. Lymphoma is not the death sentence is once was. There are good treatments out there.

Check this site for the best info:

Best wishes
Reply:Hi dad had non Hodgkin's lymphoma back in the early eighties, he has lots of Chemo and went into remission for 12 years , then it came back he went though some more treatment again and it stayed in remission again, but in March 2000 it came back worse than ever it took over his whole body and he refused treatment which could have only made him more sick and for a few extra weeks, he passed away at peace on 26th April 2000

If you have any questions please email me x

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