Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lymphoma Question?

Is it possible for someone to have lymphoma if they've had a bloodtest come back with no abnormalties, but have had swollen lymph nodes that haven't gone away in a year?

Lymphoma Question?
Any night sweats? [huge soak-the-sheets type], weight loss?

Yes, Lymphoma is a possibility. Itching is a symptom. But, there are MANY things that can make lymph nodes swell. A biopsy is the most definitive way to tell what's going on. If it is something bad, please don't worry, there are great treatments out there. Stick with your doctors and stay on top of things until you get a definite answer.

Here's the site where you'll find the best info:

Best wishes
Reply:Are you sure that they are lymph nodes? I thought I had the same thing and the doctors did a biopsy and it turned out that they are just fatty tumors (lipoma).
Reply:Well I have had swollen lymph nodes for a year and a half in my neck and apparently sometimes lymph nodes just stay permanently enlarged. So if your tests have come back all clear, you are most likely just like me and fine.
Reply:I suppose it's possible, but I'd get tested for other diseases as well. Lupus, MS, Fibromyalgia, Lymphodema, and many others can cause lymph swelling.
Reply:Tests are never 100%, but maybe they are swollen because of something simple like an allergy
Reply:the negative blood test is a good sign ... but you should consult your physician nevertheless just to be sure ...
Reply:lymph nodes can swell for many reasons even if you are run down or have an infection.they are similar to kidneys they are vessels that syphon impurities.If all the checks have been done then im guessing stress and worry about the problem is not allowing your motabolism to work to its full extent,stop worrying my love exersize have a healthy diet and things will improve.You could also try revisiting the gp to rule out anyother probable cause.
Reply:Please I'm asking people to try and not depend on the doctors to help cure your friends and family. Everyone needs to realize that you can cure your body naturally. I'm telling everyone this because for my family it was too late. I made it My goal this year is help as may people out as much as I can. I'm going to you something that I feel is going to more then help but even help prevent cancer and diseases. The doctor did not tell my cousin not to give the baby such things sugar. Suger FEEDS cancer cells. He died of leukemia three years ago. His name was Joshua Johnson. The hospital was Nassau County Medical Center. They was trying to help him the best way they knew how to but due to the treatments they gave him it killed off all the good and bad white blood cells. I Don't want people to go thru what we did.

Why should mothers, fathers, grandparents, and friends have to go thru this kind of pain and hunt. some people would say something's are inevitable. Me helping others I will do so.

Please try this web site you have nothing to lose by give your friends and family a chance to have good health. If anyone do try this PLEASE email me in 6 months or 3 and tell me how is worked for you or your family. Everything in this product is NATURAL and essential to the body. "If it don't taste good then its good for you" Please help spread the word and save a life. I hope I saved yours.

One last thing Check your PH balance 1st at the doctor. That way you can see if you now alkaline.

I'm going to leave you with something off the page.

Cesium is one of the most alkaline elements. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for showing that cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen), or acidic, conditions. research by Keith Brewer, PhD and H.E. Satori has shown that raising the pH, or oxygen content, range of a cell to pH 8.0 creates a deadly environment for cancer. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with numbers below 7 representing an acidic condition and above 7 representing an alkaline, or oxygenated, condition. When cesium is taken up by cancer cells, it raises the pH, or oxygen content, of the cell. The cells that die are absorbed and eliminated by the body.

I cant say it cures but I know my grandmother is still alive and she is 86 years old. MOst people don't see 60 without a long term diseases

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