Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is it lymphoma?

In September, i noticed an enlarged lymphnode on the lieft side of my neck. Its pretty rubbery, and very mobile. I went to the doctor, and he said it was nothing, but it never want away. In the back of my neck, there is a small bump, but i am not sue if that was always there or just developed. In addition, by my groin, on one said it seems to be flat with no lymphnodes enflamed, but on the right side there is a small bump. Could this be lymphoma? I dont have any fevers, no real itching or night sweats. I do suffer from OCD and i often to panic about my health. I plan on seeing my doctor soon, but i am only 17 years old, and feel that he will just tell me its nothing again, because he knows i worry. If anyone has any info please let me know.if it is curable is it?

Is it lymphoma?
Doesn't sound like lymphoma, good for noticing them though i wouldnt worry too much although you could monitor them yourself every so often, not all the time, just to see if they change shape or colour, then i would may be question something, but if your Dr has already denied a diagnosis then i would stop worrying.

for all you know you could have night sweats that you are unaware of causing this but quite often many people obtain skin tags that turn out to be nothing to worry about trust me i work in the histopathology lab in a hospital and type about these things everday.

they can appear for no reason i'm afraid i have to put it down to your OCD, if its not your health you will be concerned about something else im afraid.

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