Thursday, November 12, 2009

Curious about lymphoma treatments?

Hi, I am a fairly newly disgnosed lymphoma patient.

I hear so much about the different combinations of drugs used to treat lymphoma, and I understand how everyone is different, but I was just curious about the combinations of drugs that other people were put onto, and what their regiments were like. (EX. Drug #1 for 8 sessions, or whatever)

Please help me, so that I will have some idea about what to look to..

Drugs names and how they were administered and side effects of each one all things that I am interested in knowing. (Can't be too over educated when it comes to cancer, can you?)

Thank you so much for your help!

Curious about lymphoma treatments?
call the American Cancer Society, qualified, knowledgeable volunteers are on hand 24 hours a day to answer your questions at 800-ACS-2345 or log on at

No, you can never be too educated when it comes to cancer. Best wishes!
Reply:I don't know if you live in Nebraska, but if you do, the lymphoma Telephone number is 402-344-2242. Even if you live in another state you still can use this number.

However, it doesn't matter where you are, the National number is 1-800-955-4572. These people can answer any and all your questions.

God Bless You :)
Reply:It would help if you listed your diagnosis. Please check out the luekemia and lymphoma society, they are very caring and helpful people. My 4 year old has 7 mos. of chemo left. Stay strong in your heart, and keep prayer as an option.
Reply:Please stop all the chemo therapy and doctor recommended medicines right away. Doctors dont want you to know of the alternative medicines that can actually CURE CANCER. If a doctor tells you the alternative medicines, they will be out of a job. How much does it cost for chemo therapy each time you take in those chemicals? This medicine is better and only $75 dollars a bottle. Each bottle lasts a month. You take an ounce per day, and after each dose, you eat a banana or eat potatoes. its called "CESIUM CHLORIDE."

The problem with chemo therapy is that they always say that they never know how each person will be affected by the chemicals. You could die the next day, or you can die in a month. BUT, you cannot live past 2 years. So, its not a good garauntee that you will extend your life for 2 years. The reason is because chemo therapy is a toxin. A poison that kills your body. And if it kills the cancers before it kills you then you are cured. And if the cancer dies before you die, you probably wont live past 5 years. Because even after the cancer is killed, your body is completely deteriorated. I bet you cannot ask 100 people who knew someone who went to chemo therapy and lived more then 5 years after defeating cancer. You might get lucky and find like 2 people. What are your chances that you will be that 2 lucky people that live? So, how good of a cure can chemo therapy be?

The key to defeating cancer is all over the net. But the people who sell these alternatives cannot say on their labels that their medicines cure cancer. It is against FDA rules. The reason is because if this is done, then doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceautical companies cannot make any money. So, according to FDA, it has to be stated on the bottles that it is for vitamins only, etc etc.

You can go find these medicines and take care of your cancers in 3 to 12 months. Just listen to me as I dont make anything off of this. I am only here to help. I am sick of these doctors and big companies making money off dyng people. Doctors wont tell you either. Its against their rules. Well, gee, they were ones who created these rules, so go figure. I believe there were like alot of medicines that take care of cancers. There is a top 10 list somewhere. I think cesium chloride is listed number 1 or 2 on the list.

I found a good bottle of this on I think this was the address. You can always search the internet. Get the one that contains rubidium (I think this is how it is spelt). This helps your body absorb the medicine. Good luck my friend. And please pass this information to everybody you know that needs it.

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