Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lymphoma and Chemo in dogs?

I just found out my dog has lymphoma. We are devistated. We have decided that we are going to start chemo on Monday. I was wondering if anyone has had their dog on chemo? How long was your dog on treatment? What were your costs? How did you dog do? For how long?

Lymphoma and Chemo in dogs?
I have two friends who just went through that with their dogs..If asked if they would do it again, both would say yes..even though one of them lost her dog..

Our local vet just began treating cancers here, so it is a big savings for our town....we used to have to drive 2 1/2 hours for oncology treatment.
Reply:I do not have an answer for you,I just wanted to send thoughts and prayers your way,Do you think you are doing this for your dog or for you?I know this is a tough thing to answer-but you are going to be putting your pet through extreme stress and pain what are you odds of success that you have been given?I feel it is better for the animal to go peacefully than through man made ways to make her suffer before dying,sorry just my opinion
Reply:I've had two dogs with lymphoma. Both of their cases were to acute for chemo so we chose not to. We had them on prednisone to slow it down, but we chose not to put them through it. I've read that chemo just buys them a few more months. I'm really sorry to hear about it, and I understand what you're going through. I recently lost one a month ago to lymphoma. I wish you best of luck and I'm sorry I couldn't answer your question. Keep your dog close and spoil him/her completely.

Enjoy every minute.
Reply:I just want to tell u that u aren't the only one. My Aunt's dog died of lymphoma in April, and she is sad for that. She herself now has thyroid cancer. You are very lucky u found the lymphoma quickly, because usually the dog would die.

I'm sorry I didn't answer your questions, I wanted just to tell you that you aren't the only one.
Reply:I have never had this problem with my, or any rescue animal. So I cant give you any advice. I hope that he/she comes out of this OK. I'm so sorry to hear that. Good luck to you and your pet.
Reply:Our dog was on chemo but only lived a few months. This is because she had a developed kind of lymphoma. The chemo was spendy but, for one of the months she seemed as though nothing was wrong. So, go for it. But, be cautious they may seem to get better but not really.

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