Monday, November 16, 2009

I am not sure if lymphoma is a possibility or not...not sure what to think?

About a couple months ago I had some swollen lymph nodes, some were painful, some were not. I was given anitbiotics and the painful ones went away, the painless ones did not. After checking myself recently I have found about 14 more lymph nodes..some hard others not but the majority are small. They are under my jaw, back of head, back of neck, next to my left breast, above my collar bone, in my groin area and behind my ear.

Now I am not sure about whether i should be concerned about these because they are in multiple areas throughout my body and painless..but they are somewhat small...what size are they typically if it is possibly lymphoma or is there not a 'typical' size...i am just so confused but scared to go to doc

I am not sure if lymphoma is a possibility or not...not sure what to think?
I would contact your GP and let them know that the antibiotics worked for some, but not all. You probably just have an infection of some sort. Only your Dr can make that decision tho.

Hey Abe.... it depends on if it's Hodgkin's or Non Hodgkin's as to how scary and/or treatable it is.
Reply:hey, it is scary, but lymphoma (if you do have it) can be cured during the eary go and make that call now.
Reply:If you have reason enough to be concerned, you have reason enough to see a doctor.

P.S. Lymphoma is one of the "less" scary cancers. I should know, I'm a survivor.
Reply:I found one lymph node in my neck, it had been swollen, but over time it started to grow larger. I had several tests done, but the first one was a synogram, it was just like the ones you get when your preggie. It is harmless. They found the lymph node had a growth on it. Then, I went to Thoart, Nose Dr, who ordered some blood work, and a needle biopsy. It said I had cancer. Non-Hodkins Lymphoma. That was 4 years ago, I went thru treatments, and had the Lymph node removed immediatley. The treatments were not that bad, but I recommend that since you have so many large lymph nodes, go to a Eyes, Ears, and throat Dr. immediately. Because I did not wait, I am cancer free today. This is a treatable disease, I am proof of that.
Reply:I had a lump on my back the size of a golf ball. I could not feel it and did not know it was there. My wife got me to get it checked out. I went to my doctor and had blood work. The results was that my platelet level was to low. I was sent to an oncologist. I had a biopsy. It turned out that I had small cell, slow growth, non-follicular, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage 4. It took 6 months of chemo and 2 years of Rituxan (sort of a smart bomb for what is left of cancer), but after 7 years I am still here. I get blood work done every 6 months to be sure I'm cancer free. The really good news is that I was able to see my 2 grandchildren when they were born.

By the way, the first question I asked my oncologist was "Am I going to die?". She said, "Yes, but we all are from the day we are born. My job is to see that you can live a little longer." On the birth of both of my grandchildren I sent her 12 roses and went to see her and gave her the biggest hug I could.

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