Monday, November 16, 2009

Anyone have any information on lymphoma cervical cancer?

My friend was just diagnosed with cervical cancer (lymphoma) we are under the understanding that it is very rare and if anyone has any info..please let me know..thank you

Anyone have any information on lymphoma cervical cancer?
Yes, it is rare, and certain a very serious condition. It will require irradiation and or chemotherapy. However it does regress for unknown reasons on its own. We used to implant radium needles as a means of treatment but newer therapy usually uses chemotherapy. Maintain a good diet, and in my theory, high in vegetables of the cabbage family...broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kohlrabis and cabbage...they seem effective as an anti-neoplastic agent...however at present I have no definite proof but they do no harm. Chemo is harsh on the system and the better the general health, the less severe the effects. If you have other questions...ask.
Reply:okay, i'm pretty sure you're mixing up something of what they told you.

Cervical cancer is not lymphoma. The two are very different. She may have a cervical tumor secondary to lymphoma, or a lymphoma secondary to cervical cancer, but either alone are not synonymous with each other.

Cervical carcinoma is 99% of the time caused by the HPV virus (virus that causes genital warts). It is the third biggest cancer killer of women in the US. Regular pap smears are done to rule it out, and if caught early enough, can be very treatable. However, if not treated, it is particularly dangerous and easy to spread to other areas of the body.

Lymphoma is a malignant cancer of the white cells in your body, and is pretty much the same thing as leukemia. It causes the white blood cells produced to be defective and destructive.

Lymphoma is a particularly serious diagnosis, as it is a very aggressive cancer, and must be treated aggressively. Any cancer which has spread and caused a secondary cancer (mestasteses), is likely to have a bad outcome, as the spread may become more widespread.

More details would help if you have them--and if you post more information i'd be happy to write a more detailed explanation, but this is the most basic information on both conditions.

Hope this helps...

And lots of prayers....Good Luck to your friend. :)

Cervical survivor of Almost 3 yrs:)
Reply:Cervical Cancer is not lymphoma

It usually is Carcinoma in situ

or Squamous cell carcinoma.

It isn't not very rare.

It is usually cause by the STD HPV
Reply:I know one person, alive seven years later.

Cervical lymphoma generally has a good prognosis, with an overall median survival of 4 years.

This is a rare condition and requires at least expert consultation if not treatment.
Reply:Please see the webpages for more details on Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Reply:I can help. Your friend's body is going to be very depleted of minerals and vitamins and this is what she needs to be able to heal and to have strength during chemo. I also know of natural cures for cancer that could save her from going through chemo in the first place. I need to chat with her to be able to pinpoint what to do, but I can help.

please email me for more info, my name is Melinda.
Reply:In all my years in medicine I never encountered a lymphoma of the cervix. Did it spread from regional lymph nodes?
Reply:Try this site for info:

Best wishes to you and your friend/
Reply:Visit my website

www. zeolitesfordetox. com/ davidlawrence

Read the testimonials and news target

Email for more info

davrlaw@yahoo. com

Hope this helps

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