Saturday, November 14, 2009

Armpit lymph node...lymphoma or hormones?

A couple months ago I found, due to pain, a swollen lymph node under my left armpit. I had it checked out by my doctor who did an ultra sound which showed it was a lymph node. After a few months I noticed that around my period (before or after-ish) it would swell again and hurt and then the pain would ease and shrink smaller. I still feel it and I was wondering if I should worry about this. My doctor said to keep an eye on it if it does anything different. I have had night sweats before but not like frequently or anything to be alarmed about. Im never out of the ordinarily tired either. Should I be worried this is related to lymphoma or just my crazy hormones?

Armpit lymph node...lymphoma or hormones?
I don't believe you should be worried about lymphoma at this stage, especially since they don't behave as your node has and are typically painless and don't swell and subside and occur in men more frequently than in women. There are additional symptoms that are associated with lymphoma but you haven't mentioned any of them. But do follow your doctor's advice and continue to monitor the node and report any changes in size, appearance, pain and anything else you consider to be out of the ordinary for you.

Perhaps a heating pad on a low setting or a warm, moist washcloth will provide some pain relief when it occurs. Speak to your doctor and find out what she/he recommends in the way of an analgesic for these times.
Reply:The breast extends into the armpit (so-called axillary tail). since your problem occurs in conjunction with your periods, the swelling could be due to a hormonal change in the axillary tail of the breast. Normally this is not dangerous and can respond to evening primrose oil. BUT THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVISE, BE SURE TO CLARIFY WITH YOUR DOCTOR!
Reply:did they do a needle biopsy?

be sure the doctor is aware it changes based on time of month. i also would see a specialist no t a general practitioner. your ob/gyn should be able to suggest a local specialist to check it out. my grandmother had lymphoma and you should not just take a wait and see approach when it is very possible that it could kill you. hopefully it is nothing major but please see a specialist and be sure.
Reply:Don't lymph nodes swelling have something to do with infection? I'm not sure. But when my children got sick a lot of time they would get a knot on the back of their neck and doctor told me it was just the lymph node fighting infection. If the doctor thought it was something to worry about he surely would have told you. I would say if it always happens around your period it probably does have something to do with your hormones. I think you need to talk to your doctor and ask him what could be causing this. If you don't have insurance try going to a health department and asking them. If they decide to run tests they can usually help you with cost.

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