Saturday, November 14, 2009

Beagle with lymphoma?

My Beagle, 9 yrs old, has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma. It is in a lymph node in his belly and also in the wall of intestinal wall. He is on Prednisone now and is eating well. The only indication of something wrong is that he frequently shivers from the neck down. Any ideas what is going on? Thanks - Gayle

Beagle with lymphoma?
The outcome even with chemo is very rarely favorable. You have limited time with your dog. Enjoy her, and when it is time to say goodbye, do it. Don't leave her to suffer. Lymphoma usually spread fairly quickly, it is not a long term disease in dogs.

I am so sorry your dog is ill.
Reply:What is going on???? Well...the dog has lymphoma. Cancer. Pred keeps them OK for a while, but then they go down hill and die.

Not sure what you are asking???
Reply:I don't know about lymphoma but my golden retriever was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in October (cancer of the bone)

I immediately changed her diet because that is one of the most important things with cancer. The second thing I did was changed to a holistic vet. My conventional vet basically threw us under the bus because we didn't go along with her recommendations. My dog is doing awesome right now and I don't think that would have been the case if I had stayed with my old vet. It is hard to know if the shivering is from pain or something else. My dog is not on prednisone and I hope she never has to be. She is on human pain killers that her vet prescribed for her and in almost 4 months time it has not had to be increased. There are a lot of herbal remedies that can help. I use k-9 Immunity which you can google and read about it. There is so much info on the net that your head will spin. I think if you can the best thing is to check out a holistic vet, they are not miracle workers but they are definitely more open minded then a vet that just practices conventional medicine. Go to there is just a wealth of info on that site. Also something else to consider is essiac tea for pets, this is also used in humans and it is something you will see a lot of pet owners give their dogs with cancer. Good luck with your dog.


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