Saturday, May 15, 2010

VISIBLESigns and Symptoms Of a Relapse from Hodgkins Lymphoma.?

A girl of 4 was diagnosed as having Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 2.She had Chemotherapy and radiation Which lasted over 6 mnths.Yearly she has a Scan and Mnthly BloodCheck.I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what would be the Visible signs and Symptoms displayed by the child if there was a Relapse.I would really want GENUINE answers as the mother of the child Is quite worried.

VISIBLESigns and Symptoms Of a Relapse from Hodgkins Lymphoma.?
My stepmom had this type of cancer, and she is in full remission now, thank God. She was treated at John's Hopkins, in Baltimore Md. They specialize in this type of cancer, so I am sure if you contacted them, they would be able to give you the answers as to signs and symptom's of a relapse. Just look under " John's Hopkins Hospital " in Baltimore Maryland. I hope this helps and I think its nice that you are giving this mom your support, that she so needs right now. Its bad enough for older people to get cancer, but having your child diagnosed with it, is devastating to say the least. God bless you all, and prayers are sent for continued remission.
Reply:If the child is in the US than she should be having checkups every three to six months. A year is too long.
Reply:I would keep checking into your options like John Hopkins or maybe Rochester Mayo in Rochester, MN is a real good 1 to check out. I lost my dad to that in 91'. Sorry I couldn't help out more, but no one should go through this even at any age
Reply:I had hodgkins lymphoma diagnosed 3 years ago and i'm in remission for the last 2(yippee!), It's a cancer of the blood and occurs in three common places in the body, the nasal passage/palate area, the brain and the colon, basically areas of soft tissue. But it is of the blood so if it does form a tumour(over time) it often starts in the lymph gland system. This process takes some time so if the youngster has already been diagnosed and treated then the regular blood test will identify it pretty much straight away, long before it can manifest its-self as a tumour elsewhere. As far as cancers go, hodgkins lymphoma was one of the first to be scientifically identified and therefore it is one of the longest studied, researched and treated of the lot. It really does have a high success rate towards a cure for it, i just 'googled' it whilst having treatment and learnt as much as i could, there is a wealth of information out there so why not use it, you will find something useful, i promise. As for any symptoms, they won't be too obvious except maybe lethargy(tiredness), in a child so young i think this would be noticed but this also comes hand in hand with treatment and often long after so this sign is somewhat ambiguous and should not to be relied upon, plus i'm not a doctor just a former patient! To the young girl i say 'bless your cotton socks' for making it through the treatment already, to the mother i say 'well done' for getting her through it, its taken a lot of courage for you both, believe me i know. To you i say give them as much support as you can and i thank you for taking an interest in what is a life changing illness for all concerned. I wish you all nothing but the best in this trying time, take care.
Reply:Any symptoms of recurrance would be the same as the symptoms from her primary disease, if you, or the childs mother notice anything out of the ordinary get it seen, and don't be afraid to ask the doctor this question at her next review - this is not an unusual question to be asked and her doctor should be forth coming with the infomation.

Best wishes.

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