Saturday, May 15, 2010


My CT Scan report read as follows:

There is lymphadenopathy in a perivascular distribution in the upper left neck which extends from the angle of the mandible caudally to the level of the epiglottis. Findings may be associated with reactive lymphadenopathy related to inflammatory infectious causes as well as neoplastic involvement including lymphoma. Foolw up is recommended.

Please help me. I can't see my doctor until Tuesday.

The only way to diagnose lymphoma is through a biopsy. We prefer the excision or incision because the sample will always be adequate for interpretation by the pathologist. This way, you can also find out whether it's Hodgkin or Non-Hodgkin. There are several types of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The treatment and prognosis are different for each type of lymphoma. Sometimes it's difficult to tell them apart. Immunostains will be very useful for cases like these. After the diagnosis is confirmed, you'll be advised on treatment options. Again, there are many options for each type of lymphoma. Yes, lymphoma can be cured. God bless!
Reply:Not sure. could be
Reply:You can call the doctor ahead of time, though. And worrying about it until then isn't going to help anything. In fact, trying to look up information online is likely just to scare you more - just assume that it's only an abnormality and nothing serious, and worry about it only if it turns out to be something to worry about.

Good luck, sorry that wasn't the answer you wanted.
Reply:It means you need some more tests. Most likely a lymph node biopsy.

It does not mean it is a lymphoma, just that it could be.
Reply:Not necesarily . The radiologist has to write that in for liability reasons.

If you've had a tooth or tonsil infection could cause the same.

Best of luck
Reply:It says you might have an infection which has caused swelling. Or it could be lymphoma. And you should see a doctor.

If you turn out to have lymphoma, don't get too worried. Lymphoma is the most treatable cancer. Even the treatment is not too terrible: the usual course of treatment is six rounds of chemotherapy about a month apart. No radiation.
Reply:No, it does not mean you have lymphoma.

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