Monday, May 17, 2010

Malignant lymphoma diffuse large B cell type?

Highly treatable. Believe it or not, the agressive forms respond the best to treatment. I had the exact same type, 3 years ago.

Check this site for the best info:

Best wishes

Malignant lymphoma diffuse large B cell type?
I just had a loss in the family and have friend with this stuff. He found some stuff made out of muscadines at Old South Winery that stops most cancer it has links to the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The stuff has been used for centuries in Japan and china. Read the articles and if I can I have a 58 page report on how it corrects dna and tells the white cells to apothsis the bad cells and also makes the bad cells kill them selves. Anyway I suggest you search for "Aggarwal resveratrol" and find this report. It discusses the mcl, bcl2? and different other pathways and mutations and hope it will be a help. My friend was given three months to live and he stopped chemo and is only taking this stuff and that's been two and a half years ago.

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