Friday, May 21, 2010

My brother might have Lymphoma?

The my brother is going in for a bipose tonight, and they think there is a good chance he has Lmyphoma. I have read that this cancer is some what cureable, but I am just worried I am going to lose him to this.

Can anyone just inform me on what I should know about this.

Thanks in advanced.

-Andie Kay

My brother might have Lymphoma?
i had hodgkins lymphoma. i was diagnosed in 2005 when i was 15 years old. i had stage 4 and i was scared out of my mind. my doctor called my dad and said "great news-it's hodgkins" we were in shock that it was good news but it was becuase its the best kind of cancer 2 get because it has a great recovery rate. i went through 8 rounds of chemo and 28 days of radiation. i am now 17 years old and i have been in remission for about a year and a half (knock on wood) and i am thriving off life. your brother will be ok. if you ever have any questions i am always here to answer and help. dont worry. it will be hard and a long road but your brother will be fine.
Reply:My son had Hodgkins Lymphoma. He went through chemo and a few surgeries. He was in college when this happened and stayed in school, got great grades and lived life well. He is graduating next month and is totally cancer free.

The worst part is 'chemo days'. He'll feel sick and tired, but chemo does end.

The doctors are incredible, the cure exists and life goes on very nicely.
Reply:My sister has nonhodgkins lymphoma. I found alot of info on the Lymphoma and lukemia googls search. You can also start on WedMd, go to sites like MD anderson hospital in houston texas, Thats where she finally sought treatment. Her D'd had given up and left her no new treatments but she and her husband were not willing to take that for an answer. Now she is on a chemo regeime but is considered in remission. Just keep searching the web, lots of good info, just don't concentrate on the bad stuff.
Reply:I am a Lymphoma patient grade 1 stage 4

the one I have is not curable but don't let that scare you he could have any of the other two types and they are curable if caught early

you can live a long comfortable life with grade 1 lymphoma too

Here are some very good sites they tell you every thing you need to know

heres two types of lymphoma iunno which one your brother have but hope that your brother will make it
Reply:There are so many types of lymphoma that it is too early to panic. Just be sure you send the pathology specimen for a second opinion to a place like Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson in Texas or N I H and he will get the best care. Prayers are with you.
Reply:There is a really great chance that everything will turn out fine for your brother. Please do your best not to stress yourself out, your brother will need your support.

Here's the best info on Lymphoma:

I've been cancer-free for 3 years, and hopefully forever!

Best wishes

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