Monday, May 17, 2010

Anyone interested in supporting my effort to run a marathon on behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society?

Hi everyone,

My name is Stephanie and I recently decided to take part in this exciting challenge...running a marathon on behalf of The Leukemia %26amp; Lymphoma Society! I am doing it in honor of my grandpa %26amp; dad who were both diagnosed with cancer. And I also want to start something that doesn't end with me! Anyway, I am not at all worried about the training or the actual run. I am more worried that I will not reach my fundraising goal of $4700 :( I don't expect those who don't know me to support me, but I thought I would try and ask anyway. Perhaps you are feeling generous or have been or known a cancer patient or survivor and would like to help this awesome cause. Well here is a link to a personal homepage I created where you can donate. Please check it out %26amp; support me and/or pass it on! Thank you thank you thank you!

Anyone interested in supporting my effort to run a marathon on behalf of The Leukemia %26amp; Lymphoma Society?
THANK YOU. Thank you SO much.

May God bless your efforts richly.

It is because of people like you that I am alive today.
Reply:I have no money at the moment, If I had I would surely help you on your quest. I hope you reach your goal. My thoughts will be with you.
Reply:I just donated 10 dollars. I would have like to give at the 25 dollar mark, but I just don't have the extra money at the moment. I was just told to donate by something and I listened. It took just a few minutes and can use a credit card. Good luck to you.

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