Friday, May 21, 2010

Do I have lymphoma?

In my neck, above the collarbone, I feel a small lump. It doesn't feel rock-hard but is kind of firm, feels like what can be described as "movable", doesn't hurt, and is not swollen (the whole thing can fit on the center of the top of my finger, and isn't readily visible: you have to feel for it even if I turn my head all the way over).

These things appear to be in my favor:

1. The apparent absense of swelling, small

2. No B symptoms

3. Firm and not rock-hard

4. Moveable

These things appear to spell out cancer:

1. Lack of pain. Although I can't feel pain in any of my other neck lymph nodes.

2. The fact that there is firmness at all

I am otherwise very healthy, I have an immune system built like a tank and my cuts and bruises heal faster than anybody I've ever seen.

I estimate the node has been like this for maybe a half year.

I am going to the doctors soon for my permit, so I'll have him check it out.

If I do, how long would I have to live?

Do I have lymphoma?
That's definitely not cancer. The doctor will laugh if you ask him this.
Reply:can you say hypochondriac?

don't put the cart before the horse silly, let the doc take a look, I'll bet it's just a cyst from an ingrown hair.
Reply:It sounds like a thyroid nodule or a goiter. I had the same thing and I turned out to be ok. I highly doubt it is cancer, don't worry, just get it looked at.
Reply:Ok you too like me have health anxiety, not gonna say hypochondriac because i picture them as scared of germs and such. If you feel their are lymph nodes all over your body almost anywhere you look youll be able to feel them, they range in many different sizes, all if you feel between your thighs and move up along the crease to where you feel bone and search youll find a lymph node there, feel it its hard and sort of big right well its normal.
Reply:hyaline vascular castleman's disease

flowers baby

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