Monday, May 17, 2010

Hodgkin's lymphoma,stage iv in the bone marrow,my 26yr old nephew just told our family this news.?

The MDs only give him a 50/50 chance of beating this. Is this really all we can and should expect? He has had 1 chemo treatment %26amp; became somewhat ill. With more treatment will he become sicker? Will his general health suffer with treatment? We are so upset all some of us can do is cry,but not in front of him.

Hodgkin's lymphoma,stage iv in the bone marrow,my 26yr old nephew just told our family this news.?
The first thing we learned when our 17 year old son was diagnosed with a rare advanced abdominal sarcoma that presented as multiple tumors throughout his body . . was to not pay any attention to statistics. Everyone is an individual and survival will depend on the the stage of disease, the patients overall health, age, and response to treatment. Don't peer to far into the future, but take one day and one step at a time. Always try to think of the cup as half full, rather than half empty . . thus . . if you are thinking that 50 percent is a poor odd, reverse it . . he has a 50 percent chance of being a survivor! Our son has a 15 to 20 percent chancer . . which is far better than no chance at all.

Remember there is always hope. Our son has beat many odds so far and is still here with us . . he is asymptomatic and is currently living quite well with his cancer. Of course, we would prefer that it be gone . .and we are steadfastedly working on that, always maintaining a positive outlook and making the best of each situation. It's not easy. But, you will find your courage.

Best to you.
Reply:I read that all types of cancer has only one marker - low stomach acids. Whatever I had read said that all diseases (for which we have no causes known for sure) are degenerative diseases). Further it is said that the body becomes acidic and hence all diseases. One of my friend was told of blood cancer. I was studying for him. I was going thru the material which I had collected on internet. I found the answer and he showed remarkable improvement. It was Jan. 2007.

Since that I have used the same theory on 3 more persons and the results are shocking. I have written to various cancer organisations. I got no response.

If some one wants to correspond and promises to give 3 to 4 times every day feedback on the improvement or otherwise, I am willing to share the solution for all types of cancer.
Reply:Something else you can do that may help.

If you think about it logically the body tries to keep bad things out and to heal itself. If you are unknowingly poisoning your body it will find that process much harder to achieve.

Your nephew could take a 'vega' food allergy test at a branch of Holland and Barrett in the UK. Not sure where you would find it in other countries. It is a non invasive procedure that takes about 1 hour and costs about £40.

Eliminate the foods that most affect how well he feels from day to day. He may not have to eliminate all of those that are suggested by the test. (usually about 5 or so I imagine)

Doing this in addition to what the doctors advise may give his body a better chance of healing itself.

Please feel free to keep in touch. I would like to hear if you do this and how things develop. I will be thinking of you all and wish you the very best outcome for your nephew.

As an afterthought, I did read somewhere that there are clinical trials you can get involved in. Sometimes the drugs have been used to no ill effect and a properly conducted trial is what is required, with less risk than other trials. If things get really bad it may be worth consideration. Never give up hope.

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