Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anybody with chemotherapy experience to fight non-hodgkin's lymphoma?

i would like to know about chemoteraphy treatment. is it painful?

my hubby has been diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma after he complaint about stomach ache.

done CT scan, biopsy and all.

now he has to undergo chemotheraphy. but we are still pending it, worrying about the side effects etc.

will u explain. thanks.

Anybody with chemotherapy experience to fight non-hodgkin's lymphoma?
It wasn't THAT bad. It surely wasn't fun, but hey, at least I'm still here. Hair loss was in about 10 days - 2 weeks. Nausea was a side effect but not that bad. I had numbness in all my fingertips, which was due to the Vincristine. I was treated with six rounds of CHOP plus Rituxan. Then I had 18 radiation treatments. [WICKED radiation sore throat] I had diffuse lage B cell NHL stage IIe. I'm still here to tell about it 3 years later.

For the best info, hit this site:

Best wishes
Reply:I dont know anything about it but I wanted to say I am sorry to hear and give you both well wishes for everything.*hugs*
Reply:my husband just got done with treatment.. Jan to May with Chemo and than June, July, Aug with Rutuxin... make sure he takes the nausea pills... and get a prescription for them.. he will need them

He was treated every 4 weeks with chemo... the first 2 weeks after were not bad except for nausea the 3rd week he was tired... however, he missed very little work(age 56)... it does weaken your immune system... and did end up the ammonia.. but he works with customer service...

He had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma class b throat cancer... as of today they feel he is cancer free.

He did loose his hair after the second treatment.. I had shaved his head after the first.. but by his last treatment in May it was starting to come back.. he now has a full head of hair like before and mustache is back. My best advise is talk to your dr... don't be afraid to ask questions..
Reply:I had chemo 18 years back for NHL. It is not painful. It can make you tired, irritable and nasueous. Buth then again, so can the cancer. IT can lead to hair loss, but that is temporary.

Do read the following website - it is well organised and factual.
Reply:I have had 6 sessions with Chemo.. I am now in remission... I was one of the few that did not get sick.. They do give you nausia pills after each session. and your taste will change for the first ten days or so but other then having the dry heaves you will fair ok. He will lose his hair but it will grow back... Start the Chemo ASAP Good luck and God bless... Grant M in Pennsylvania... If you would like to e mail me for more details its
Reply:i was diagnosed in 2004 with ctcl (non-hodgkins) lymphoma. i have been on interferon since 12-04. the side effects are loss of hair, mood-swings(sometimes severe), loss of appetite, feeling exhausted most of the time, and several other things. the doctor said i would feel like i had a bad case of the flu for about two weeks,that was almost 3 years ago and the side effects are still here and getting worse. every time i have to give myself an injection (3miu 3x's a week) i think how much longer can this go on before i just give up. then i get the report from my oncologist and she says the interferon is doing it's job and that helps me go on for awhile longer. please be patient with him. things are going to change drastically for both of you. but, just remember the is light at the end of the tunnel.


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