Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to reduce a bloated stomack caused by lymphoma cancer and tumors, urgent help?

My husband is going through chemotheraphy for lymphoma cancer and his stomack is extremely bloated also his feet are retaining fluids. We want to know how, other than pills, can we get his stomack down and the fluids out of his body, Thank you. We are seeking other alternative remedies

How to reduce a bloated stomack caused by lymphoma cancer and tumors, urgent help?
This is the kind of thing that chemo-therapy can do.

If I were him, I would stop the chemotherapy immediately, and seek a more natural cure for cancer.

If you read the details at the site below, not only will you learn about the cancer industry, but you can learn about a diet that will be extremely helpful. There are also details of some alternative cures available.
Reply:If it's caused by an accumlation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity (known as ascites) (with his symptoms and history it sounds likely),the quickest way is to have a doctor scehedule a Paracentesis in a radiology department. I've done many and we can drain off many quarts at one time and with instant relief.It only involves injecting in some numbing medicine (like at the dentist office),then inserting a little larger needle attached to a tube and finally relief comes. One drawback is that after a few weeks,there's a possiblity it will return and needs to be drained again. There are some other ways that are more of a permanent solution,but certain medical qualifications would have to be met,I dont know all the details of that.....Hope this of Luck!!
Reply:First of all, I am so terribly sorry your husband is so ill. While I don't know of anything for the swollen stomach or ankles I will tell you to look up

Noni juice. It's reported to have done wonders for cancer patients. It's expensive ... about $40.00. You are supposed to start off by drinking one entire bottle for four days straight and then about a half bottle for a couple of weeks for longer and then maybe cut back. There's a book ... a number of books on it.

Cantron: It's a product supposedly developed with the use of research by a winner of a Nobel prize for science. The idea behind it is that it lowers the electrical voltage in cancer cells to the point where they simply die.

All the best to you and your husband.
Reply:I'm so sorry this is happening to your husband as I know by watching my son how uncomfortable it can be.

My 17 year old was playing basketball for his high school when his stomach began to bloat. He retained fluid in both feet and legs . . but I didn't notice until it was too late. He had a stage IV abdominal sarcoma that was 'weeping' or as they say 'seeding' into his body. That was what was causing the fluid buildup.

I know you were looking for a natural solution . . and there may still be one. But because of my son's young age and relative good health he was given (lasix) furosemide. He was able to eliminate all the fluid naturally (without a surgical intervention). It took about a week, but it worked for him.

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