Saturday, May 15, 2010

Has anyone tried, or heard of, C-Caps as a homeopathic treatment for feline lymphoma?

My 7-year old cat has been diagnosed with lymphoma, there is a large tumor on his hind leg and surgery to remove the lump is not an option because of the size and involvement of the growth. My only option is to have his bone marrow tested to be sure the cancer has not spread and if it has, then surgery would not be necessary but if it hasn't then his leg could be removed. I have opted not to do this or to do any kind of chemo. Right now, he acts normally as if nothing was wrong. He plays and eats good. I wanted to try some homeopathic treatment to maybe slow down the growth and, as the cancer progresses, make him more comfortable. I want to make the time he has left good quality time. I read about these c-caps and they are supposed to be great for cats with cancer. Just wondering if anyone has tried it?

Has anyone tried, or heard of, C-Caps as a homeopathic treatment for feline lymphoma?
Are you going to go ahead with bone marrow test? If there is no metastisis then amputation could be the best option.

I have a homeopathic veterinarian treating two of my cats (both cancers are different and not lymphomas). I am also a beginning student of veterinary homeopathy. There is nothing in my reference books of materia medica labeled "c-caps" and I suspect it may just be some sort of dietary supplement.

You do not try "some" homeopathic treatment. It is a medical treatment which requires a full commitment and good guidance from a homeopathic veterinarian (who uses homeopathy for !00% of his practice) or a veterinary homeopath. Many holistic veterinarians will use some homepathic remedies (Arnica for swelling or inflamation, Rhus toxicodendron for certain forms of arthritis, homeopathic tissue salts for nausea and vomiting, etc.) This is not the same thing as treating an animal homeopathically. A true homeopath has 4,000 "remedies" to choose from when treating patients - some of the remedies come from plants, some from minerals and some from animal matter. The homeopath selects one remedy from a rubric of remedies fitting the animal's symptoms, its general constituion and its personality makeup. Then only one remedy is chosen to administer - sometimes in increasing potencies as long as the animal is improving. Remedies can be changed if the homeopath feels that he can get a better result for another one and the remedies will be chosen for their relationship to one another.

It is actually less expensive in the long run than allopathic treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. And it takes commitment on the part of the owner to see it through. Homeopathy does not have a "cure" for cancer, nor does allopathic medicine. It is a matter of buying time and giving your cat the highest quality of life in fighting his disease.
Reply:I've heard of them, but I haven't had a client try them. I don't know if it would help, but it won't do any harm.

It is a dietary supplement, but I don't recall what's in it. I'm an LVT in a "traditonal" practice myself, but see great benefit in keeping an open mind and combining schools of medicine.

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