Friday, May 21, 2010

Fred Thompson's lymphoma?

Why aren't the neocons blasting him for using his illness as a campaign tactic?

Fred Thompson's lymphoma?
Lymphoma is cancer, not benign like someone wrote here.He has not officially announced but he has been putting out feelers. He was to meet with 70 Republicans this week.

I agree with you, why aren't they chastizing him the way they did John Edwards and his wife? They won't because they are the typical bunch of hypocrites.
Reply:You aren't being nice. He only wanted to know how the public would feel about his illness to know whether he'd be wasting his time running or not. If all candidates would be so upfront! And he's a Republican so why would we?
Reply:Because he is not using it as a campaign tactic. I heard the interview. He said he wants full disclosure to the public about his condiiton before he announces whether he will run. Would you prefer that he cover it up? He should be applauded rather than criticized for having cancer.
Reply:How exactly is he doing that??? He is not even officially running.

You are trolling here.
Reply:Take a deep breath...calm down.

Your job as a citizen is not to vote a "party", it is to ascertain for yourself whether or not the candidate supports your beliefs with integrity, conscience and conviction.

If you find that Fred Thompson is using his illness as a campaign tactic, which would be a flaw in his integrity, don't vote for him.

If I view the same facts and find that is not the case, and all other issues find resonance with my beliefs, I may well vote for him.

Edwards and his wife's illness should come under the same scrutiny by all voters.

Now, if you are just trying to throw mud at a candidate, I find that disingenuous on your part.

Keep your own council on such things and follow your own mind in deciding who should receive your support and who shouldn't.

This would equally apply to conservitives (not neocons as the term is dated and doesn't define conservatives anymore, look it up OK?) as well.

There should be a lot more research by citizens into candidates outside of the media and a lot less "fan reaction", which is what your question really is about.

He is on an opposing team and you want to scream at and about him.

Be a voter, not a fan of some political party.
Reply:The left is getting nervous........
Reply:Listen to the tone of voice he used when announcing his benign lymphoma.

Listen to the extreme leftist response.

It is as obvious as the main-stream news hacks.

He couldn't win. If he kept it a secret, he would be criticized for hiding an important health issue.

He carefully notified everyone that the lymphoma was benign, that it was discovered THREE YEARS AGO, and that it WASN'T an issue that would affect his health or his ability.

HE didn't make a big deal out of it.

YOU EXTREMIST LIBERALS WITH YOUR SPECIOUS AGENDAS are the ones making the big deal out of it.
Reply:Fred Thompson has not used his lymphoma as a campaign tactic. It will probably keep him from being nominated.

I really like Fred Thompson, but I use the same analysis for him that I do for Mrs. Edwards. My heart goes out to both of them. But our nation needs a President who is focused on our nation's health, and not their own.
Reply:he dnt got my suppoert. young republicans. for Obama, if not him then its Hill Dogg. : Ms. Hillary C.
Reply:They are all worried that he'll energize the Conservative Base. (which he will) And attacking someone, is their only way of feeling better than someone.
Reply:re: my question that you answered.

I guess some people are too stupid to realize that rates of aboriton differ in various places and at various points in time.

Maybe someone with a brain who wasn't lying about the desire to reduce abortion rates would take the time to learn about it.

And, maybe he would have sheep voting for him and his lies.

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