Friday, May 21, 2010

What is lymphoma?

Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are lymphomas, a type of cancer that originates in a subset of white blood cells called lymphocytes — an important component of your immune system. The main difference is in the specific lymphocyte each involves.

A doctor can tell the difference between Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's by examining the cancer cells under a microscope. If in examining the cells, the doctor detects the presence of a specific type of abnormal cell called a Reed-Sternberg cell, the lymphoma is classified as Hodgkin's. If the Reed-Sternberg cell is not present, the lymphoma is classified as non-Hodgkin's.

The distinction is important because the treatment for each type can be very different.

You can go to these sites and get more info. The Lymphoma site also sends you a FREE KITt


Living with lymphoma - patient kit


What is lymphoma?
Go to WebMd for everything you could possibly want to know about this.
Reply:cancer of the lymphnode. You need to ook it up to get information.
Reply:I am a survivor of lymphoma. I was diagnosed when I was 28 years old, (five years ago) and it was stage IV. It is cancer affecting the lymph nodes. It is often diagnosed in latter stages, and is in different forms/types. There is non-hodgkin's lymphoma, (which I had)...and Hodgkin's disease. The cancer itself also takes on various types of mutation. For instance, I was a diffused large B cell NHL. It's a bit complex, as any cancer can be...but is also highly treatable in many cases. This cancer also tends to strike older individuals...65 + years from what I was told. If you have it earlier on...your chances of recovery are even better.

That's just a tiny description of lymphoma...if you need to hear more, feel free to email me at anytime. I went through chemo, radiation and clinical trials...but my lymphoma is now considered "cured". Wish I had time to tell you more.

Best of health!
Reply:It is a tumor in the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are sites around the body that filter out dead cells and infections or foreign bodies in the blood stream. The major lymph nodes are located in the armpit region and under the chin and the back of the neck. A major sign of a lymphoma is a hard lymph node that is painful and does not move when palpated (touched).
Reply:Here's where you'll find the best info:

Best wishes


Lynn, same diagnosis here!
Reply:cancer that starts in the immune system

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