Saturday, May 15, 2010

Does any know what the symptomes of Lymphoma in dogs are?

I think my dog my have lymphoma, he had a biopy last Wednesday and i get the results this Thursday. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some more info on it, so i can prepare myself if he has got it.

Does any know what the symptomes of Lymphoma in dogs are?
The signs of lymphoma can be hugely varied, depending on which organs are involved, for example signs of liver or kidney disease if those organs are affected, vomiting or diarrhoea if the gastrointestinal tract is invovled, and do on.

The common 'general' signs of lymphoma are enlarged lymph nodes (glands)- these can be most easily noticed in the neck/jaw area, in front of the shoulders and in the back of the knees. Gradual weight loss is also really common.

I'm guessing that the biopsy taken by sticking a needle in the lymph node? Given the amount of time it's taking for you to get an answer, I'm assuming the biopsy has been sent off to a pathologist, but did you vet give you an idea of what they were seeing before sending it off?

Lymphoma in dogs can be managed reasonably well, depending on how advanced it is when diagnosed, and how far you're able/willing to go with treatment.

Plenty of vets will now do chemotherapy in dogs (or refer animals to someone who does) is a little different to in people, because it doesn't aim to cure the cancer, just hold it off for a while, which means that you generally don't get all the nasty chemo side effects that you see in people. Some protocols can give 12-18 months good quality of life that the dog wouldn't have without treatment (best case scenario). There are also other ways (such as cortisone) to keep the dog comfortable and happy until its time comes.

I hope of course that you get good news tomorrow, but if he does prove to have lymphoma I hope that my answer has been helpful to you. Please feel free to email me if you want more info :o)
Reply:Well I feel for you having lost two dogs to the big C. I first noticed mine just not being able to get comfortable. Day by day she couldnt lie in any position for long and eventually she came to me and looked at me saying basically she couldnt understand what was wrong with her. She could stand and walk but not lie down. The vet diagnosed the tumour and that was one of the saddest days of my life.
Reply:just type in lymphoma there are a multitude of realy good sites, We lost our female rottie 3months ago to bone cancer and I spent forever trawling the web before we got her biopsy results, she was lame on her left hinde leg but also had ominous lumps down her flank, good luck god willing it will be benign
Reply:I have had 2 dogs with Lymphosarcoma and the lumps came up on their lymph glands almost overnight. We tried chemo with our 11 yr old Rott but the chemo took away his appetitie and will to live so we euthanized him. The second dog was an 11 yr oldish MinPin and we just let him live out the last few months as comfortably as possible. Neither dog was sick acting b4 the lumps came up.
Reply:my daughters dog had this and she had really bad runs,lost weight,and developed lumps, thet started her on chemo and steroids,cost £600.00/month,after 10 weeks had her put to sleep because of constant infections, i only mention this in case you are offered the same treatment,hope for you thingsare different.good luck.
Reply:I bet your vet does- talk to him or her.
Reply:A neoplasm of lymph tissue that is usually malignant; one of the four major types of cancer

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