Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can an enlarged spleen and thymus be associated more with Graves disease or Lymphoma?

I was told last week I had Hyperthroidism and had a nodule in my neck. I had an Xray at first and then a Ct. After the CT, they refeered me to an oncologist stating it could be lymphoma

Can an enlarged spleen and thymus be associated more with Graves disease or Lymphoma?
If you are asking for the percentage of occurance for each condition, I do not know. I did find a site which is relative at :

I wish you the best of luck.
Reply:i have no idea. wish you luck. sorry. :) happy cinco de mayo!
Reply:i had viral lymphnopathy and it enlarged are my glands and infected my liver, spleen and kidneys.. i sought out treatment at a wellness center. email me if you want more info i have hypothryroid(underactive)also on an on going basis. also my sister hadgraves and took a radiation pill to burn it out and shes fine
Reply:Yes, an enlarged spleen may be indicative of lymphoma but I am unsure about Grave's Disease. My mother had lymphoma and I always accompanied her to her oncology appointments. She did not have enlarged lymph nodes. There are many variables to lymphoma. She had a rare form. I think the most important thing is to see your oncologist, have tests done and go from there. It is possibe it may not be anything to worry about. I do understand how stressful it is to wait and find out. Remember to make a list of questions to ask your oncologist and it is a good idea to bring a friend or family member with you. I wish you all the best.
Reply:Glyconutrients can help. do your research!
Reply:It may be lymphoma

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