Sunday, April 26, 2009

Could my daughter be suffering from some emotional or chemical illness?

My 23 year old daughter is the youngest of three children. She is a lovely girl who graduated from a fine University one year ago. She took a job right after graduation with a large retail company and was hired into a management training program. Within a few months she started to suffer from anxiety attacks and her health started to fail. She developed all kinds of somatic complaints including some physical problems like severe acne which she had never had before. All physical exams and blood work came up negative. She would not take antidepressants but tried exercise and yoga. She quit the job and things improved but now I notice she is starting to suffer from anxiety and hypochondria again. She calls me on the phone every few days telling me she is sure she has skin cancer or lymphoma. Because I am a nurse I know her symptoms are not related. In the past we determined that 24 hours after any alcohol she would go through these fragile times. Any ideas or similar experiences?

Could my daughter be suffering from some emotional or chemical illness?
I too am a nurse and this sounds like your daughter feels overwhelmed by life. The 'safe' environment of school was manageable for her but now she feels she can't cope with the world of work, which is cut-throat, let's admit. Was she very sensitive as a child? She feels the hypochondria is an acceptable reason to bow out of a situation she finds intolerable. How much does she drink? She is using that to calm herself and then it opens the floodgates of all the emotions she is experiencing. I wouldn't suggest any anti-depressants for her because she reacts badly to chemicals--the alcohol. She has got to learn to deal with her fear and her sensitivity. This will be hard for her. The exercise and the yoga should prove to be helpful over time. She is going to have slow progress but it sounds like she is working to deal with her issues. Could I suggest a book for her to read that could help? 'Living With Joy' by Sanaya Roman. Also 'Personal Power Through Awareness' by the same author. Just support her and listen to her and of course love her. But you already do those things don't you? You are a good Mom.
Reply:Well, I have anxiety pretty bad too. They say it will help to exercise routinely. What I've learned is that if you have a strong mind and keep it focused your anxiety with decrease. I used to think that I had every disease out there especially since I'm a medical transcriptionist and I see and hear of symptoms daily - lol. I think she should be put on some type of antianxiety med and if she doesn't take that she will just have to be strong and maybe even try an exercise routine to get her out of this.
Reply:Well I'm only 17, so I don't know too much about these types of things. But, I think the answer to your question is yes. She could just be under tramendous stress. Maybe she has PTSD? Has she seen a counselor? Good luck with your daughter. I hope she feels better. And take care of yourself. :)
Reply:I think that your daughter needs to be seen by a mental health professional for an evaluation. Sounds to me that she is suffering these symptoms in silence. I think a psychiatrist or counselor could really help her out. She may have no choice but to be medicated. Usually the first onset of mental problems surfaces in the mid-20's. Which she should be. I think that you asked this question already knowing what needs to be done you just needed confirmation. You are correct to think a beautiful, intelligent girl shluld not be having panic or anxiety attacks or be a hypochondriac. Convince her that she needs to do this at least for your sake of mind.

Good luck.
Reply:if shes a hypochondriac then maybe she is just having a psychosomatic response to it , as in she thinks shes sick so she is. if it was stress from the job that was causing her to get sick and everything she may want to consider going into a low stress job , preferably something outdoors etc. , you may also recommend she eats properly and avoids any kind of drugs or alcohol. if that does happen to her again you may want to talk to her about going on the antidepressants because it could be a chemical imbalance causing the symptoms.
Reply:My 32 year old son suffers from severe OCD...and it manifests itself in severe anxiety and panic attacks, and hypochoncrial episodes...sometimes stress can bring it on, and maybe this job was just too much for her. The mind can be very tricky, as you know. The things they worry about are real to them. My poor son ended up in the hospital almost fifteen times last two years because of severe anxiety attacks. She might have OCD, which is the reason she has uncontrolled thoughts of impending doom. The good news is, she could take Luvox, the drug that saved my son's life...and now, when he has any kind of a twing of an anxiety attack, he takes half of the lowest dose of xanax, which calms him right down. He still fears illness all the time, and to a point, that can be a good thing,..but you are a nurse, and I am sure the medical field has followed you home also. Guilt plays a big part in OCD and the anxiety attacks. She needs to go to a really good physiciatrist who can diagnose her and give her the proper meds to stop suffering. It is hard sometimes for us to realize how much pain that they are truly in, but the mind can play horrible tricks on them...She can get help, and needs to realize that it is a chemical imbalance, and the Luvox puts back the seritonin that she is lacking that is causing her to imagine so many ailments. Every time my son when to the doctors, or to the emergency room, it was because he thought it was his heart, and he is as healthy as a horse. Poor thing, don't let her suffer, let her read this, and I hope she gets the help she needs and deserves. Email me if you so desire. Good luck, my prayers are with you

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